Monday, October 5, 2009

Kappa Sigma Homecoming

Homecoming 2009
Psi Chapter- University of Maine
Friday October 16, 2009- Sunday October 18, 2009

The brothers of Psi Chapter are excited about this year’s homecoming and hope to make it the best one yet!
Homecoming Schedule

• Friday October 16 6:30 Meet and Greet at the Bears Den on Campus
• Saturday October 17 10:00am Tailgating at UMaine Football Game
• Saturday October 17, 2:30pm Flag Football With the Brothers on Lengyl Field
• Saturday October 17 5:30pm Dinner at the Number 10
• Sunday October 18 9:00am Breakfast at Pat’s Pizza

We look forward to seeing you at this year!

If you have any questions of comments feel free to contact Kevin Parsons, Homecoming Chair @ 207-712-6225 or

Monday, April 20, 2009

Spring Initiation 2009

This spring we initiated 5 quality men into the Psi chapter of Kappa Sigma. This brings our total number of brothers to 32. We look forward to a strong Fall Rush for the 2009-2010 school year. Congratulations to our new Brothers: Matt Beaudet, Conor Campbell, Russell Clark, Marcus Dunham, and Bo Li.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Spring 2009

The Psi chapter had a great rush this spring, pledging in 5 quality gentlemen. With 26 brothers our total number now stands at 31. We just finished up Winter Carnival and placed 2nd place this year, all though we did win a majority of the weeks events including the talent show, which can be seen on youtube: . We are also continuing to compete in intramurals and have are about to enter the flag football playoffs. We will continue to keep you updated on what Psi is doing this semester.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Congratulations to Our Graduating Brothers

Congratulations to Brothers Stephen Amico and Dan Weathers who graduated this past December. The Brothers of Psi wish them good luck.

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!

The Psi Chapter would like to wish you a Happy Holiday Season and wish you all the best in the New Year!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

We want your input!

We would love to receive any input from the alumni or current brothers about anything you would like see done at the Psi chapter. We would look forward to hearing from you and would also like to receive any photos you may have from when you were a brother here. Please send any questions or comments to Kevin Parsons,



This year Kappa Sigma Held its second annual Sausage Fest. Sausage is an annual free cookout hosted by Kappa Sigma, there is a live band and this year we raffled off a signed UMaine hockey jersey. Through ticket sales and donations we were able to raise over the $350. All proceeds go to benefit the Fisher House which supports America's military in their time of need, they provide "a home away from home" that enables family members to be close to a loved one at the most stressful time -- during hospitalization for an illness, disease or injury. Tickets are available until the event is over. All Kappa Sigma chapters are encouraged to help raise money for the Fisher House.