Thursday, November 20, 2008

Homecoming 2008

Homecoming went really well this year with a strong showing from the alumni. We kicked off this years festivities with a meet and greet in The Bear's Den on campus on Friday Night. Saturday started with tailgating where the brothers met UMaine alum Stephen King and fellow Kappa Sigma brother, Senator Tom Allen (pictured to the above). After tailgating all the brothers and alumni met at the Sport's Cafe in Orono for a reception. All of the events went well. At Homecoming this year we had engraved steins for sale (pictured below). It is $2o for a stein and $30 if you want the back personalized (name, grad year etc) Please contact Alex Cardamone for more information at We look forward to homecoming next year and have already begun to plan for it. If you have any suggestions or ideas for what you would like to see at next years homecoming please feel free to contact Kevin Parsons, (

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